Wednesday, January 1, 2014

the birth of my second

also reposted from my previous blog. :)

and this is her story...

I blogged about my first born, and its only fair to have a post on my 2nd, so someday, they both can know their journey into this world :)

went for my checkup with dr Tan, told her I had mild contractions so she checked my opening and it was only 1cm, scanned, baby was already 3.2kgs. Dr Tan gave me a choice, either to wait (which can be 1 day or a week or 10 days) or check in that night and induce, deliver the next day..

looked at mr hubs for like 5 seconds, looked back at Dr Tan, "oklaa induce.."

the decision was based on, 1st, I was already feeling some contractions already ~ malas nak sakit lama2, 2nd, baby was already 3.2kg (that was an increase of 400g in a week!) cant imagine if i had to wait another week ~ mau berat mcm abg die ~ 3rd was because I just malas nak tunggu ~ hehe ~ i couldnt do anything dah masa tu..gerak sket, better just go ahead kan :)

so after checkup balik rumah, sediakan ape yg patut, ordered pizza for berbuka coz teringin sgt ~ had coke with a lot of ice for the last time before start berpantang, mandi, and went to PCMC at 8 and checked in at 8.30pm

registration ~ waiting for our room :)

dapat bilik nurse datang check ini itu, then ecg, at 11pm ~ 1st dose of the induce thingy ~ tanya nurse sakit tak, die kata sakit, but i didnt feel a thing~ slept like a baby the whole night ~ who can blame me, bilik macam hotel ~ T__T ~ teramat laa jakun ok memula masuk tu ~ aqil dulu kat gomen hospital so mmg macam langit n bumi beza okeh... siap ade kettle and all the coffee and tea, tv 32", toiletries, sofa bed for the hubs, robe, tuala ~ mcm hotel laa ~ sorry laa if i sound so jakun ~ sbb mmg pun ~ lalalala~~

the view from my room :)


6am - nurse masuk tanya ade sakit tak, i told her nope, she checked, baru bukak 1.5cm ~ only 0.5 difference T__T... so at 6.45 am, she put in the 2nd dose ~ and IMMEDIATELY after that masyaAllah..berpeluh2...the pain started to kick in ~ 7.30 nurse meh check again ~ dah bukak 3 ~ i was like wooo....yess...mesti cepat ..takpelaa sakit mcm ni...janji cepat (or so i thought)

nurse tanya nak amek epidural or not, memula mmg taknak, ckp takpelaa..inject jer, but at 8 when she came back, muka pucat lesi, badan menggigil, nurse kata, "puan, saya rasa better puan amek epidural, puan dah distress dah ni..." and i was like...angguk laju!

815 like that after diorang call Dr Tan, trus tolak masuk labor room (which also sebijik mcm hotel room cuma tambah equipment jer - beza gilerr ngan gomen nyer hospital) , and I was lucky ade doctor kat ctu yg trus boleh masukkan the epidural coz gosh masatu mmg sakit yg amat2...

honestly, i was dreading the part nak cucuk epidural tu, coz masa aqil dulu sakitttt sgt masa die cucuk masukkan, but this time, masyaAllah..tak rasa ape, tetibe doctor kata "all done..the medicine will start taking effect in another 10 minutes.." like...what?? i didnt feel a thing! tabik springg pada itu doctor.. :)

labor room ~ siap ade TV and working table for the hubs!

lepas tu terus rehat ~ both me and hubs tido sampai 11 something, nurse datang check once in awhile, tuka drip, check on my condition...kol 12 nurse masuk check opening coz I was in pain ~ mmg confident ni mesti dah bukak banyak... guess what...still 3cm!! i wanted to cry! i dunno how people say epidural hilang trus sakit coz man...i can still feel the pain!! a whole lot of pain!! (drama queen much??)

seriously. no kidding. i wanted to cry when the nurse ckp still 3cm..its been like 6 hours and no progress at all?? looked at hubs, he asked me to sabar, told me to expect deliver malam so dont keep my hopes up..and asked me to try and sleep...

and then the food came ~ i ordered sirloin steak for lunch the night before ~ terus segar wa ckp lu ~ hoho ~ dats how much i love food!! yes i ate it all!! sedappp....tgh menahan sakit pun boleh makan ~ hehe ~ actually, i learned it the hard way, masa aqil dulu tak makan langsung (didnt know i could eat!) and langsung takde energy nak push so this time around, makan makan and makan...for energy nak push... i had one plastic bag full of kurma and i finished all of it by the time baby dah ready nak kluar :)

after lunch, i kinda talked to my baby .. "sayang, sayang turun laa cepat sikit k...mama tak tahan dah ni sakit lama2...walaupun diorang kata pakai epidural ni tak sakit..tapi mama rasa sakit ni...cepat eh..." (seriously i said that!)

menahan sakit tapi masih mampu senyum :)

then at 2 the pain got worst and it was kinda unbearable.. asked hubs to take a peek tgk ade any tanda tak , and he said ade darah...i was yess!! panggil nurse...tak tahan dah ni sakit... the nurse came and checked... 9cm!! wooohooo!! 2 hours >> 6cm !! i was like you go girl sambil usap perut...ingatkan dah tak lama laa lepas tu, then nurse kata, ok..kita tunggu lagi sejam ok... apee?? sejammm...?? my goodness ~ masatu mmg superrr rasa nak contraction was like seconds apart (i might be exaggerating here) but the reading was 127 all the way ~~ berpeluh2 tahan sakit... to keep my mind distracted (masa tu nak baca2 dah takleh nak focus) , i went to the one thing that I knew would keep my mind busy ~ facebook! haha...i kid you not...went thru my usual groups babywearing mama's, cloth diaper's blogshops, usha handbag....and siap boleh post status k..

hubs masa tu taktau nak kata ape...layan kan aje wife die yg tgh dalam kesakitan :) i was also watsapping with mom and my SIL, keeping them updated... :)

then at 3-ish, panggil nurse lagi sbb epidural dah habis and i was feeling the pain even more...they came in and added the epidural and checked again ~ 10 cm!! fuhh!! finally!! trus tanya...dah boleh push??? nurse kata ade rasa nak buang air besar ke..i said yes, like for the past half hour, so they called Dr Tan, and started to teach me how to push..

and so the pushing began, memula tu mcm tak berapa nak reti, but the nurse, Shahida (such an angel!!helped me dengan penuh kesabaran thruout the whole delivery) ajar sampai laa betul teknik push tu, i dunno why org kata pakai epidural tak rasa sakit and taktau bila nak push coz i felt the contraction and didnt have to rely on the machine to know when the contraction comes when it was time to push, and it was actually me who went... "ok nurse, another one coming (contraction) .. 1..2...3.." 

at first masa push tu masyaAllah sakit laa amat2 kan...but after the 6-7 time tu (yes, it took me at least 10-12 rounds before kepala baby betul2 nampak ~ TV tu semua menipu saje!!) the pain was less...and I swear the contraction felt so much far apart ~ siap antara contraction tu boleh bersembang ngn nurse about how Kourtney Kardashian boleh tarik keluar baby die sendiri, sembang psal my first experience kat hospital selayang, even pasal the possibility org pakai teropong tgk my delivery coz the curtains were open and there were tall buildings nearby ~ yerrr...saya boleh joke sampai nurse tu dok gelak jer ~~ i almost reached for my hp nak update status but hubs tak bagi ~ hehe ~~ 

the tall buildings i was talking about ~ bygkan klu ade org teropong ~ ok..i have a sick mind! nobody would ever do that right??? righttt??

so after almost an hour of pushing, the head was finally where it was suppose to be, nurse called doctor - doctor came - sambut baby - it was easy peasy after that - just one last push then she was out - doctor put baby on my chest ~ honestly, baby alya looked more like an alien then sbb she still had the white wax all over her body but it was the best feeling ever!! (aqil dulu sbb kluar luka kat kepala diorg trus rush ke NICU so i didnt get to experience that moment with him) .. i almost cried!! seriously...all that pain.... worth it!! 

worth every single pain :) she's such an angel :)


born at 3.56pm on 03 August 2012 @ PCMC


normal delivery (alhamdulillahh)

then nurse amek, bersihkan, timbang (3.37kg ~ not bad!), and put her back on me, and i fed her for the first time ~ pandai anak mama trus latch and minum like she's done it before... :)

1o minutes like that, the penat-ness started to kick in ~ tgn dah start rasa lembik ~ so panggil nurse amek baby and rested for almost an hour kat labor room ~ dengan hubs skali rest ~ sejam lebih die berdiri ~ hehe ~ 

but this time, not so bad, ingat masa aqil dulu it took me one whole day to recover, but this time, by 8pm tu dah segar ~ maybe because of all that kurma I makan ~ baby beside me, mom, dad , big bro, SIL, lil sis and my other hero came tengok baby (not me) huh! and I slept at 12 midnight with my new baby beside me :)


and that was her story....

wonder if there would be a third :) 

Aisyah Samsudin

the birth of my first

this entry is from my previous blog. I wrote it back in 2010 when my 1st son was born. I'm glad I did. sometimes you forget the little little things after a while. So I'm reposting it here. for me and for him to read (one day)   :)

the birth of ali mirza jr

tuesday 23rd Feb 2010

12.15 midnight - felt my first contraction, didnt really realize it was a contraction until after the 2-3rd time of contraction..took out my little book and recorded the time.. 25 minutes to 1 contraction..hmm..still got time.. remember the nurse told me it must be 10 minutes to 1..baru g hospital

4.30 am - went to the toilet... and... blood... i was like..should i wait..or should i go to the hospital...woke up hubs... went to mom's room..asked what should i do... mom said go hospital..sbb my first pregnancy kan..taktau ape nak expect..

5.30 am - off to hkl

6.30 am - register, checked by the doctor - no opening

7.00 am - warded

4.30 pm - checked by the doctor again- still no opening

7.oo pm - discharged from hkl (sgt laa ramai org sampai wad penuh..even yg dah ade 2cm opening pun die hantar balik..prioritize yg betul2 nak bersalin...)

wednesday, 24th feb 2010

thruout the night - contraction. contraction.contraction. sakit. sakit. sakit.

4.00 am - contraction 1 to 10 to 25 seconds

4.30 am - mom was ready to take me to private hospital if gov still send me back home..mak punya tak puas hati sbb hkl hantar balik...huhu...kesian tgk me tahan sakit...sweet kan mak..naluri seorang ibu (which i understand now..) hehe...thanks mom...

5.00 am - decided to go to selayang hospital after mom did a series of calls to the private hospital

5.45 am - checked by the doc @hospital selayang. 1 cm opening (ok..thats a start!)

7.00 am - checked again , 3 cm opening (wow! that was fast...alhamdulillah) had to wait at the waiting area sbb wad sume penuh..mmg menahan sakit yg amat laa sbb kene duduk tunggu kan...dah laa tak cukup tido..ngntuk takyah ckp laa..

10.00 am - still 3 cm (hmm..lambat laa pulak) , masa ni mak n hubs was waiting with me kat waiting room...asked mom to go back first sbb kesian tgk mak mcm letih jer..but she insisted to wait....

12.00 pm - 4 cm !! finally to the labor room !!! but before that, doctor inject ubat bagi buang air besar...i went straight to the toilet right after die masukkan ubat..giler cepat ok! then die suruh baring n doctor wanted to pecakan air ketumban..but tangan doc tu pendek sgt..alih2 staff nurse yg buat.. sakit? sakit contraction lagi kot..

1.15 pm - masuk labor room...sakit amat2!! mase tu ingat ayat qursi jer.tak ingat dah bende lain..punya sakit..then hubs masuk... sat beside me..guided me baca surah2 n ayat2....

2.30 pm - ade nurse masuk nak tanya mau epidural ke tak..die kata normally diorang akan offer untuk yg 1st pregnancy... walaupun before ni mmg determine takmo epi..konon2 dah biase jatuh sini sana n dah biasa sakit..boleh tahan laa kan..rupa2 tak...i just couldnt stand the pain mase tanpa pk panjang..trus angguk jer...

2.45 pm - masuk epidural.. it wasnt really that painful sbb contraction lagi the doctor was very2 friendly..n funny... so didnt really felt the pain mase die masukkan epi tuh

4.30 pm - doctor dtg check opening... 5cm!! wahh...lambatnyer...!! 4 hours and only 1cm opening..?? i felt like crying...ops..i did cry i datang teman me for a while...sembang sket2...i couldnt remember what we talked about.. i only remember the pain.. (yes..even with was still painful..maybe not as painful as not taking the epi..but still rasa sakit nyaaa....)

8.30 pm -again, doctor masuk check.. 6cm!!! i was like...ur kidding right??? only 1cm???? 4 hourss!!! doctor said, they give another 2 hours...if still opening kecik, prepare for surgery...

10.30pm - 8cm...!!! ok... im sooooo ready for C-sec !! but no, doc said...i give u another 2 hours.....lawak ke hape..?? i was like begging the doc nak bedah jer...mase tu contration cam sgtlaa kerap..nak bace ape2 pun dah tak daya....tapi doctor tak bagi..die kata sayang sbb dah bukak 8...huh...

12.30 am -10 cm...finally!!! doctor kata bila rase cam nak terberak tu pushh sket2..since sbb me on i wont feel the urge nak push start teran sket2...

12.45 am - 3 doctors, 2 nurses.... the real pushing begins... turns out i was so out of energy to push (my last meal was at 7am, 2 keping roti jer) had to use the vacum to suck the baby out...i was like whatever...just get the baby out please...sakitnya..masyaAllah...never in my whole life had i ever ever experienced that kind of pain..

1.20 am - doc put the baby on me....mak aih...beratnya!! hehe.. 3.68 kg people!! semangat anak ku...i didnt really get to really look at my baby..because he wasnt crying the doctor quickly took my baby off me and out of the room.. i was so worried he didnt cry..but then a nurse came in and said.." anak awak kluar2 jer tido ..tapi dah tepuk2...dah nangis dah.."...fuhhh...alhamdulillah...lega...but i didnt get to see my baby until the next day sbb he was sent to NICU sbb kepala die injured 5 cm long...sian die..

after that sempat sembang ngan the doc when he was stitching me up (siapa kata tak rase sakit mase jahit tu?? sakit yerrr) huhu....told the doctor.. after that experience...nak sorang jer anak..tak sanggup dah...then he laughed..he said.. "i bet u puan, by 2 years time i'll see u on this table again..." ...hehehe...well...we'll see about that k...;p

lepas tu, everything was a blur...i was in and out of conscious... jap tido..then sedar2 hubs was beside me..i think i tried to smile and make a conversation, but i remember hubs asked me to sleep...i did ask bout our baby..but i cant remember hubs response....

anyways...the next thing i remember, mom was kissing my forehead at 6ish am and i was already in the ward...and all i felt was pain all over..and i did not have the energy to move at all...

slept until 7 something until the doctor came to examine me..then slept again until 8 am when the nurse came in and forced me to bangun n g toilet..giler garang tapi paham kene kuatkan semangat n takleh buat lembik...huhu...

hubs arrived at 10am and took me to see my baby in NICU..s.edih jer tgk baby penuh ngan tiub sini sana..n kepala die bengkak...tak boleh nak angkat sbb kepala die tgk jer laa die terbaring kat situ ..sedihh...tahan nangis but tak daya...

stayed in the NICU for 5 days... mula2 nak monitor his head, after that die start kuning which is normal for baby yg kluar dengan luka...but masuk balik NICU on the 10th day sbb kuning die naik...sedih tgk die terbogel bawah lampu tu....

but now alhamdulillah die dah makin ok..reading jaundice pun dah turun...mak die pun dah baru boleh nak sambung berblog.. huhu..

fuhh...panjang membebel...but i guess i needed to record this experience...sementara masih fresh di ingatan...but i doubt i'll ever forget it...;)

so lastly...may i present to you... the apple of my little hero...





A new year. A new blog.

I've been wanting to make a new blog for the past 6 month, but been stalling because I could not find a name that I like. Been throwing ideas to mr hubs but he keeps rejecting them. including this one. haha. but at last I chose this one because well, I want to write!! not much about me, but about my kids. I tried writing in a diari. So. Not. Me. it lasted well, 1 page, then I find that writing using pen takes a lot of energy. *duh*

cutting it short. This new blog will be about my kids, about my sewing, about family. No drama (except for kids drama of course) . No controversy.  Just happy and positive things. InsyaAllah.

Those who know me from my previous blog. Hi Back!! I promise my writings would be in a different tone here.

Those who is new. Hello! My name is Aisyah. I have 2 kids. One on the way. Obsessed about my kids (like who isnt right?) Love sewing like mad (no formal learning tho, except if you count form 1-3 kemahiran hidup) I sew a lot for my kids. And also for other people kids.. haha.. for now my brand name is AqilHeartAlya (check out my instagram for more info on this) .. will definitely post a lot about the things I sew here. still learning a lot about parenting and about myself. have a loving husband which I dont think will appear in my blog that much (he hates taking pictures or me talking about him) but I do have a husband! Im saying this because someone PM-ed me asked me if my hubs is still around coz its always me and my kids on instagram, hence his sudden appearance in our pictures recently :p and owh, I'm a Stay At Home Mom and am proud of it :)
